Jason Walker
  Urbana, IL

1st thought…buckwheat pillow?…SOUNDS WEIRD…after 1st night…OMG I LOVE THIS THING!

OK let me start by saying I’ve never even considered a buckwheat pillow before.  I’ve either used foam or feather pillows in the past. But there is a point after so many nights of wrestling with your pillow you get desperate and are willing to try anything.

I would not call the buckwheat pillows from “hullo” cheap and I’m sure you can find bargain pillows online.  That being said my personal option is if I’m trying something different I want to try the best and get the clearest idea if it’s right for me.

The quality of material from “hullo” is wonderful.  I don’t have any other buckwheat pillows to compare but I would say without question I’m totally satisfied with what they sell and can’t think of anything else I would want or expect.

From my research on buckwheat pillows I had expected it to be a bit loud.  This is small hulls right next to your ear after all. But I have to say it really isn’t that loud and one thing to remember is it only makes noice when your moving around on your pillow not when your resting still.  That leads me to my biggest revelation with this pillow. After only a few minutes I realized…with a buckwheat pillow you literally are able to “sculpt” a custom pillow for your head every time you use it. With a buckwheat pillow every time you move you get a whole new pillow custom to you.

After the first night my wife said my snoring was almost zero. Everyone’s experience is obviously different but lets just say I was impressed…VERY impressed after the first night.

We don’t live in a perfect world and most things in life can be improved on.  In the case of the Standard 20″ × 26″ Bed Pillow I purchased from “hullo” I would say only one thing stands out as needing improvement.  The amount of buckwheat they provide in their pillows.  Don’t get me wrong it’s not like they rip you off or anything on the fill amount.  And yes, every customer is likely to have a slightly different amount of “ideal” fill.  All I’m saying is I wish they would provide you MAX filled pillows and explain to the user that you will likely need to remove some to reach your ideal fill. This would save your customers the extra $50 cost required for extra buckwheat filling.  Then again it’s a business and profit is required.

Just saying….hullo…if your reading this…and let’s be honest it’s a review on your own site…your reading it…please just consider erring on the side of caution and put more filling in your pillows:)

Did I spend $150 (including my purchase of extra fill) on one pillow?  Yes I did…and I would do it again in a second!  I love my hullo pillow…enough to even write a lengthy review praising it.

I would recommend Hullo to a friend.