  United States

True Relief from Headaches!

I have suffered from years of tension headaches and restless sleep. My chiropractor said that with my overly tense neck muscles it was pertinent to get a new pillow. I tried the temperpedic pillows for a while which only exacerbated my symptoms. My neck was still too small to use these pillows. It wasn’t until I came across Hullo pillows that I’ve experienced relief!!! It was odd at first to get used to sleeping on a buckwheat hull pillow but it truly does what it says it does! Provides support all through the night, even when I want to change sleeping positions. The hulls can make noise as I move positions but it has never bothered me or my husband.

I take this pillow with me everywhere now when I travel and truly believe it’s made a big impact on the amount of headaches I experience. I would recommend this to anyone who’s struggled to find the right pillow. Give it a try, it can make all the difference.

I would recommend Hullo to a friend.