Karen Wofford
  Santa Rosa, CA

Great Company, Great Product!

I’ve had terrible neck pain for about 20 years.  I recently heard about the buckwheat pillow and was lucky to be able to try one at a high end hotel.  I really liked it so I bought the cheapest “travel size” I could find thinking I could also travel with it. Mistake.  Really uncomfortable.

I did a bunch of online research and liked the way Hullo presented so I ordered their standard size pillow.

Wow!  I slept great.  About a week or two later it seemed like the hulls were compressing a little too much and I needed more buckwheat hulls.  I emailed Hullo and asked to order more hulls.  They sent them to me FREE!  For many months now, my neck pain is just gone.  I will never sleep on another type of pillow again.

The pillow seems like it needs a few more hulls again so I’m buying some more.  I guess I really like it thick for side sleeping.  I always used to sleep on my arms and my pillow. Now my arms fall asleep so it’s better to have just the pillow and leave my arms by my side.

Love the support!  Love the company.

I would recommend Hullo to a friend.