Kate H.
  Minneapolis, MN

Great Pillow for Pregnancy Sleeping

I ordered two Hullo pillows, and I am so glad that I did. I have been using the pillows for extra support throughout my pregnancy. I sleep on my left side with one under my head, and I have my husband tuck one under/behind my back for extra support. I also sleep with a boppy ‘comfort cuddle’ pillow between my knees and ankles, and I hug a down pillow (so in total, I am sleeping surrounded by 4 pillows), but I have been thinking of investing in two more hullos to replace the boppy pillow and the down pillow. I think this would give me the ultimate comfort!

I am currently 36.5 weeks pregnant, and I find that sleeping is when I am most comfortable. In fact, when I wake up in the mornings I forget that I am pregnant, until I try and roll over and get out of bed :). I realize that most women find sleeping really uncomfortable during pregnancy, but I attribute being able to sleep peacefully to my hullo set-up. I also like that this pillow is cool, I never get sweaty sleeping with them, unlike my other down pillows. I also like that it is animal/environmentally friendly (i.e., no down. organic). I highly recommend this pillow to pregnant women or people have other physical ailments. The price-point on the pillows may seem a little high, but I guarantee that they are worth the investment!

I would recommend Hullo to a friend.