
I Love My Sack of Grain

I got a buckwheat pillow for me and my partner. The pillow didn’t kill their snoring entirely, but snoring is down 90% at least. The sound has gone from a drowning water buffalo to the rumble of a old car in far in the distance. I can tune it out and sleep. For me, I don’t wake up with neck pain anymore, and I only have to sleep on one pillow. As an added bonus, my pillow is now so heavy that my kid can’t steal it off the bed for pillow forts.

It took a little getting used to, and the pillow had a faint smell at first, but as someone who gets migraines from strong smells I can attest that it wasn’t strong and didn’t smell bad. To me, it smelled like black tea, almost. I never in a million years would have thought that sleeping on what is essentially a sack of grain would improve my sleep so much, but it absolutely has.

You should absolutely get one, as long as you don’t intend to use it for pillow fights.

I would recommend Hullo to a friend.