Mau Sandoval
  United States

Incredible, It Actually has Kept My Head cool at Night

When I heard about Hullo and the claim about it allowing air to flow through it, I thought I’d give it a try.

I got this as a father’s day present from my wife and kids. Ever since I got it (it’s August now) I can’t recall having a single night where I was feeling hot and sweaty on my head. This alone has made Hullo be the best pillow I’ve ever owned.

Asides keeping my head cool at night, the fact that allows me to make it conform to the shape of my head/face is a huge bonus. I sleep on my side, and I can now be comfortable without feeling like I am drowning in a too-soft pillow, or having my head at a weird angle because the pillow is too tall or hard. If laying on my back, I can have more of the fill support my neck… there’s always a way to make it fit whatever position your head is on it.

The pillow is quite heavy, but that has turned out to be a good thing: It stays where you want it to stay.

The noise it makes from the hulls shifting around is not bad: my wife says she’s never heard it or bothered her at night. And if she’s happy with it, it’s a keeper.

I didn’t have to mess with the amount of fill… I’m using it as it arrived, since after a couple nights of use I realized how I could move the hulls around.

I added another zipper cover and my usual pillow cover and have loved it ever since I got it.

If pillows are a pain in the neck for you, I would say you should at least give it a try. Chances are this is the pillow for you. You’ve got nothing to lose.

I would recommend Hullo to a friend.